Manual for Frequency Holders

I saw the first Star Wars movie 14 times at the movie theater back in 1977. I actually have a tiny memory of the first scene, as that ship came booming across the screen. It changed my life forever! I had the first memory of who I really was!

Personally, I think the Star Wars movies were a wake up call, reminders for the frequency holders, a light worker manual to help us remember our mission! I have seen the first Star Wars movie over a 100 times and still will occasionally discover something I have not seen. I feel George tapped into another dimension and discovered this alternate reality. Most of the really successful series such as Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter are people tapping into an alternative reality/dimension/timeline.

Every year, I spend one week and watch them the six movies all in a row..I can assure you.. I am ready to the see the new movie, which I believe is called the " The Force Has Awoken" or something along those lines. JJ Abrams is ought to be awesome!

Be A Love Transmuter! :)

LOVE, the most powerful energy in the Universe, able to transmute lower frequencies/energies in a blink of an eye and help the world go round in a single bound! :) All of Creation is LOVE. Whether it appears that way or not! If not, may be vibrating extremely low and or have temporarily fallen off the light and love wagon into the darkness for awhile! And how far they may have gone done the Rabbit hole depends on what they are choosing to learn in this go round. After we hit the bottom, the only way is UP tot he light! :)

Re-member WE are all LOVE incarnate! Even those who are choosing actions to the contrary..this is a free will paradigm after all! So, be the love you want to see in the world! Love you, your emotions, your body, your soul, your BFF, your doggie and kitty pals, your neighbors, distant relatives, folks you do not know personally and even those naughty folks who are chem trailing, trying to poison our Mother earth, control the food system, this who are hogging and exploiting natural resources, stealing, lying etc..etc.....WHY? Because Love transmutes all lower energies! You are truly helping when you bless them and send them love! It may not always be easier to do so..but it really does help! Become a LOVE transmuter! :)

It's your world, so what do u want to experience? Personally, I want LOVE everywhere! I want to see it, feel it, experience it and be it! I want to find LOVE on every street corner, in every nook and cranny, in every single space, place, rock, tree and garden. In every person, place and thing and most especially in every action! Can life be so lovable? Of course it can, actually it already is, as it's ALL in the way you CHOOSE to view it! See the love, be the love! Create the World you so desire!

It's much easier to shift frequency when you are not standing in the same frequency, are angry and unhappy that there are chem trails, or factory farming and feel helpless to change it. Well the anger or unhappy frequency is not strong enough to really effect much's like trying to clean off dog poop off your shoe, while still standing in the dog poop..not very effective! LOL You have to step out of the poop to change the shoes, so to speak! LOL how to step out? LOVE! LOVE transmutes it all.! This morning I sent love and blessing ( oh yes I did!) to all kinds of naughty's ( Montatan and US corporations were top of the list) on this planet..I felt like I really made a difference! Love baby…love! ;)

Investing In Creating Our Life

Investment: If you look up the word Invest in the Websters dictionary it's defined as: "to clothe" and " to put money into business order to get profit." among other meanings..Tho I feel that we can add to this definition. In my mind, investing also means investing in the moment and ourselves to help create a desired outcome, investing in our empowerment and our ability to CREATE OUR most authentic LIFE! We can invest in all sorts of things...LIKE our self worth, our self confidence, in our natural empowerment, in our most authentic self, in our light, our loving self, our spirit, our mind and thoughts, emotional well being, our get the picture. Every action we take, and every thought we think is investing in and creating some kind of outcome for us..some kind of experience. What do you want to experience??? We are after all LOVE incarnate, and it's just simply up to us to fill up our life with the experiences we want! This does however require some kind of investment of thoughts, time, action and energy!

One of the seven Hermetic principals states that for all causes there is an effect. Meaning every single thing we do has an outcome, simply enough. But many folks are running round on auto pilot.... all the time...not living in the moment. Research states that many live on auto pilot 92-99% of the time..that is A LOT of auto pilot time! We have all seen these folks in the extreme mode..the lights are on, but no one is home. And we can easily see that people who choose to do yoga, meditate, walk etc..are less likely to be on automatic as much, as these type of activities helps us get in touch with ourselves and become more present..they are an INVESTMENT in ourselves and our well being, an investment in our present moment.

Actually if you think about it, everyday we choose and make investments of all sorts that yield all kinds of dividends, some pleasurable, some not so much...such as where we choose to work, what we choose to do for the day, what we eat, drink, feel, smell, touch and listen to. For example, investing in lower quality food will yield low quality energy, which does not help the body function as well, among other outcomes,( IE greasy food can yield upset tummy!) What we choose to watch on TV, can yield harsh and unsettling energy among other upsets.. especially if you are watching the news. ( I stopped that years ago due to the harsh energy and frequency control) and working in an environment that does not promote joy, awareness or love..well that just says it all doesn't it? While if we choose to invest in a soothing massage, our body will thank us over and over in a relaxed peaceful feeling even tho temporary or perhaps we invest in a healing session or healing class that helps expands our horizons and empowers us to heal ourselves..these are wise investments indeed!! Especially since that massage, healing session or class can yield dividends of increased well being, and feelings of joy, contentment and happiness!! Great return on investment there!

The frequencies of love, light, joy, happiness, etc.. these are all available to us at any moment of any day, 24/7. No one "makes" us feel happy, sad or glad..this is our choice to feel what every way we want to feel at any given moment. When we choose to be present, aware and responsible, when we choose to be the CEO (Conscious Empowered Observer) of our life, we then are the creator of our life. We are investing in creating the life we want. Does this mean that everything will be smooth as a peach and hunky dorey if we stay totally checked in and running the show all the time? Perhaps or perhaps not, depending on your belief system, as what we believe we do create.. but if you are spending all your time running round, asleep at the wheel, firmly set in ego drive, it surely will be hell on wheels, will it not?! It is after all your choice..and that choice yields dividends!

Namaste my friends. Thoughtfully written and haphazardly edited by Heyde Class © A Celestial Solution. Feel free to share this post, but please ensure it's shared in its entirety, complete with copyright. Thank you!

Conscious Food Shopping

Eating is intended to be a way to energize and nourish our bodies, enrich our cells and expand our heart's energy. It's a way to flood our energy field with light filled frequencies and lift our energy to a higher state, both for physical energy and spiritual, emotional and mental energies. It's a way to come together and celebrate with our friends and family! It's a beautiful opportunity to slow down and smell the roses! To enjoy life and replenish our body, mind and soul!

America's food supply is not what it once was 35 years ago..and it has been going down hill and in quality, every since the 1980's when Big Ag, Industrial Farming, become the way to farm. America's need for meat, has bloomed into treating animals like objects and gave way to factory farms, where animals suffer horrific and inhumane treatment, particularly pigs and chicken. If u have every seen any of the videos, it's enough to get u to stop eating meat!

Also the meat is filled with antibiotics and hormones, even some Milk has the RSBT hormone which is Genetical Modified. I won't even go into the ecological impact of Factory Farms on the Earth. Where do u think all that poop goes?

If you are going to eat meat, please choose meat from responsible sources. Know where your meat comes from and how the animal was raised, and slaughtered. Look for the humanely raised seal! Whole Foods is leading the way with their 5 step Humane program with meat! Remember, all that trauma, abuse, fear and inhumanity that animal experiences while living in a factory farm, is also energy and that energy goes right into the tissues of body of the animal, which people then choose to eat. So you are consuming all of the low vibrating energy that animal experienced in their short life time if you are choosing to eat that meat! Blessing our food helps, however, that does not eliminate the suffering of the animal!

As an animal communicator ( I am a vegetarian for 33 years, with flexatarian in there for about 7 of those years) I have spoke with many different farm animals over souls, who tell me, they honestly do not mind giving up their bodies for food. But they DO MIND being abused and treated inhumanely!

So meat eater's, please vote with your money and, choose the way of love instead and buy humanely raised meat!! Imagine an animal in its own natural setting, the meat, eggs and dairy will always taste better, as the animal is SO much happier and living their little happy dance! If you do not want to see animals abused, then why eat abused animals? And people do, every single time they purchase conventionally raised meat, as it accounts for 99% of the meat production in the US, unless its states otherwise on the label.

As for processed food in grocery stores, most of it now has very little nutritional value, nor is it a higher frequency food! Not to mention, if its not organic, it will be pesticide drenched, ( literally, do not be surprised, if covered in 20-50 different pesticides) and will likely be filled with GMO ingredients such as canola, corn, soy, sugar, or cottonseed oil. Plus it may have some kind of non food ingredients you can not pronounce and possibly be filled with some other crazy chemical, like a foaming agent thats used in industrial fuel, that is meant to extend the shelf life. In my mind, it's worth every penny to get good, high quality, organic food.

We do not need artificial dyes, preservatives, BHT or Foaming agents, GMOs, pesticides are any of the other cheap, non food ingredients, that are regularly poured onto and into conventional processed food. If you are consuming it, then yes, you will be effected by the energy or in this case, the lack of. This is food at its worst! And frankly, it's really not food! And this type of food is found all over America.

Conscious food shopping is really imperative to all our well-beings! Consciously choosing with our mind and voting with our dollars! Choosing to read everything that goes into our carts and when not sure, putting it back on the shelf, till we can gather more information, which is easy, just log on to the internet!!

Knowing about the company we are buying from and their standards, ethics and morals! And If we choose to stop buying cheap factory farmed meat, eggs, dairy, it forces the Factory Farms to change their wicked ways or go out of business . If we choose to stop buying GMO, pesticide laden processed food, the corporations will stop making it and instead they will make us something we do want or rather what we are willing to buy.

The Corporations think they have all the power but they do not, as they rely on us the CONSUMER, to buy what they are peddling. Remember it’s your money and all it takes is choosing to buy something else!

Choosing food that nourishes our body, mind, and soul and raises our energy frequency in my mind is the ONLY choice! Choose wisely, as what we eat, either expands our energy field or contracts it! A contracted energy field can cause blockages and dis- ease to begin, especially when coupled with negative thoughts! And that is a topic best for another article! Namaste!

© 2014 Update 2023 A Celestial Solution/Dr. Heyde Class

Find your own unique way to you center!

While reading an article this AM, I have some insights that I wanted to share. I believe that life is limitless, and that there are limitless ways of doings things. For me, Life is not about following what others believe to be the best way, its about finding and discovering what works BEST for ourselves. Many folks believe that meditation is the best way to find our center. And while I believe that meditation is a major key to quieting the ego mind, getting centered, and receiving information, I feel that simply practicing daily introspection and having quiet time can be just as important and powerful . Quiet time BEING rather than DOING, no eyes closed required! Lol Getting in touch with the real you and as my friend Radha mentioned in a post today, your yin energy, your softness, your feminine side. In my mind, it's really just discovering how you to get your mind to be quiet for awhile!

I use to be so hard on myself because I did not practice meditation like I thought others did, sitting down resting and with my eyes closed for a certain period of time. (the Dali Lama meditates for several hours a day, tho i have no clue on how he practices!) I was under the delusion that this was the best way for me to achieve my center and enlightenment. After some heart felt introspection, I realized that I was giving away my power to what a book/ and or someone else said, that this is the best way for me! I realized, that was not the best option for me and that I was already a walking meditation! From my professional work as a psychic intuitive, I had learned to move into a consciously aware meditative state, with my eyes wide open. Tho I do in sessions, some times drift off, phase out and have no clue what I just told someone and interestingly, I rarely remember anything shared in a session. I spend alot of time listening to the client and my angelic guides in sessions! I also realized that I often meditated, when I brushing my teeth, walking the dogs, cleaning the house and when I woke up and choose to just lay still in bed for awhile.

I have worked extensively on my spiritual growth for the last 26 years and it's still and will always be, my top priority in life, (besides my fur companions,) and in all that time, I have done very little, formal sit down, eyes closed, meditation! Instead, I choose quiet time, introspection, reading spiritual books, walking etc..and choose an open mind and heart, a willingness to grow, change and learn and a deep need to release stress, pain and anguish, find my center and peace and discover my most authentic truth, self and expression. This way of life has truly served me personally and furthered my spiritual growth over the years, that and a lot of spiritual education and serving others! I needed to discover my own unique way to my center, on my path to becoming a sovereign being! What is your way? Only you can answer that question. Find and discover your own path, only YOU knows what is best for YOU! :0))

Boundaries, Boundaries, Boundaries

Many people who are super sensitive are most likely empathic. Empaths tend to absorb other peoples feelings and emotions, much like a sponge absorbs water. We can absorb energy from the environment, food we eat, smells we smell, and places we go as well. Loud noises, excessive talking, big crowds, parties and intense smells, upsetting events, large airports, may be overwhelming for an empath. It all depends on what we are a frequency match to, along with how aware and grounded we are, plus how well our nervous system is regulated.

We often find much solace in spending quiet time alone!! Being an Empath is truly a wonderful gift, as its another form of intuition but it can be a living hell, if you do not learn how to have boundaries to learn how to conserve and shield your energy, auric field and personal space!

For myself, some of my boundaries are: I choose to take long breathers ( 2-3 days or more) away from everyone, where I can really clear myself, get grounded and focused, as I can get overwhelmed. Staying grounded is very, very important! I clear my energy body daily, sometimes two or three times in a day! I have a wonderful "cutting and releasing" energy ties technique that I do, after all readings and being with people. I ask that all energy that I may have taken on from others be released, removed and transformed into love and light.

If I happen to remember, (lol) I put a white light surrounding my entire body to help protect me, particularly when going out and about! I often take my own car when I go somewhere and I know how long I can handle being out in public or being with people in general. I have found you must be very clear about where your energy ends and another person begins..honoring, respecting and appreciating your ability to be this sensitive is very important!

Heyde's tips for conserving your energy and not absorbing others.


© A Celestial Solution

  1. Have very strong boundaries! Know where your energy begins and another one ends.

  2. Staying VERY grounded by daily meditation, quiet time or visualization.

  3. Be very present, mindful and aware of your surrounds all the time!!

  4. Learning how to manage your energy, through daily clearing of your energy field, chakras and living space.

  5. Daily alone time!

  6. Appreciating, honoring and valuing your sensitive nature.

  7. Being very clear and aware of what you can handle and can not!

  8. Acknowledge when you are overwhelmed and take steps to clear, balance and ground yourself.

  9. Having and practicing techniques DAILY that help you release others energy such as breathing in or out or a chopping motion in front of your body to release and let go of energy.

  10. Schedule shopping, appointments and events at times when there will be less people around and not so much activity and noise. I often shop on Mondays and Tuesdays and avoid the weekends! :)

  11. Learn about the nervous system, nerve system regulation and somatic practices,

    2016 Updated 2023 © Dr. Heyde Class/A Celestial Solution

We Are All Co Creators

We are ALL co-creators of the New Earth. It matters not, who you are, whether you are from the Family of Light or not, you are a valuable, important co-creator, helping this beautiful magnificent planet called Earth, and all it's inhabitants, ascend to new heights and new dimensions! Thank you!

The Family of Light, better known as Light or Ascension workers, are just some of the Souls on Earth at this time, who volunteered to help assist others and the planet, at this most auspice time in Earth's history!

We are every where, across the entire global, shining light, and sharing information. And there is more help, with legions of celestial support and benevolent beings from other planets, realms, universes and dimensions as well! All are ready to assist, all you need do, is just ask and be open to receive.

It may appear like things are getting worse, but it's important to focus on how you want to see the world. We are experiencing a time where the old, outdated patriarch dark ways, (which have dominated the planet for thousands of years) are starting to collapse, and the new divine feminine ways are beginning to take root and bloom.

We need both male and female energies to be in balance! Ideally, both coming from places of love and light, not darkness. So take heart, focus on love, light and how you want the world to be!

The old dark energies can not survive in the new light filled higher frequencies, that are bombarding the planet as we speak! Trust and know that everything is in perfect and divine order, no matter how it appears!

© 2014 A Celestial Solution/Heyde Class Updated 2023

Baking by the Moon

Baking by the Moon

With our demanding work schedules and busy lifestyles, baking has become almost a luxury today. And with the world's increasingly fast pace, it is nosurprise that people often overlook the effect of the Moon on such a simple task as baking.  Still, on those occasions you do find time to bake, you will be most satisfied if you plan according to the Moon.

This may sound silly, but the Moon can help you produce some delightful, hot goodies from the oven.  For instance, during its first and second quarters, the Moon will tend to foster growth in all things. If you choose to bake during the early, or waxing, quarters of the Moon, the growth and expansion of your baked goods will be encouraged.

At the same time, you can do no wrong if you bake during a Cancer Moon. This Moon is well-know for its nurturing qualities and just so happens to rule over the stomach, which explains why some people have a tendency to overeat two days of the month. But more to the point, during a Cancer Moon you will feel very inclined to feed people, and baking will seem like any work at all.

Unfortunately, the Cancer Moon only comes around once a month for only two days, and there is only a fifty percent chance that this Moon will occur during the Moon's waxing phase. If you have to bake some other time, you can settle for the other cardinal signs of Aries, Libra and Capricorn, as they will produce excellent results during the Moon's first and second quarters.

On the other hand, you are not strictly confined to any particular time for baking. However, for the best possible breads cakes, and cookies, the above times are optimal.  In fact, there are many factors to consider when baking. Some bakery products, for instance, are more suited for use during particular Moon signs.

In all the zodiac signs, foods have certain types of energies and are ruled by their own element and planet. The trick is to choose bakery goods that correspond to the energy of each sign as the Moon passes through it.In the list below, different factors have been taken into account for you.  With a little ingenuity, creative genius, and some good timing you can have some great baking experiences.

Moon In Aries: Don't be surprised if you find yourself wanting to bake up a storm today, as this fire-ruled sign will inspire you to spark up the oven. As the Moon moves through Aries, zesty, robust, and flavorful baked goods will serve. So if the spirit moves you, go ahead and bake up rich poppy seed cakes, zingy gingerbread cookies, and any spicy goodies you can think of.

Moon In Taurus: Pass up any store-bought baked goods; in this Venus-ruled sign you will feel an appreciation for the finer things in life, including a day spent in baking bliss. Taurus is a resourceful and practical sign, with a good dash of determination mixed in, so as the Moon moves through this sign you are primed for some seriously productive baking. Comfort foods such as apple and cherry pie, oatmeal raisin cookies, ( probably any cookie type will do!) and banana-nut bread, will be perfect for this placid, domestic Moon sign.

Moon In Gemini: As the Moon moves through Gemini, your day is most often spent in quick conversation and frantic errand-running, so it's more likely that you will talk about baking rather than actually doing it. If you actually do find the time to bake during a Gemini Moon, you will be lucky indeed. Your best bet will be quick-baking recipes that require little preparation - almond cookies, date muffins, and packaged cake mixes.

Moon In Cancer: The Cancer Moon is tailor-made for the proverbial happy homemaker. As the Moon travels through this sign, you will want to provide for everyone, inlcuding your tum - tum!  Comfort foods that make your loved ones smile are best to bake now, such as blueberry muffins, pumpkin cookies, coconut cream and lemon meringue pies. Your entire family will be very receptive and will thank you wholeheartedly. They may be so happy, in fact, that they clean out the garage or attic.

Moon In Leo: You can show off your baking expertise during the Leo Moon. Your creativity and ability to shine are at their height now, and you will find your efforts most highly appreciated.  Showy, complex baked goods are best now; the aromas of pineapple upside-down cake, chocolate chip cookies, and cinnamon-raisin bread will produce many a winning smile and a contented belly!

Moon In Virgo: The practical and health-concsious sign is the best time for using your more detailed and wholesome recipes. Since perfection is Virgo's middle name, you can easily keep up with the highest of standards. A sensible choice for this day would be an earthy whole grain bread.  Millet, oat, or barley are good grains to work with. And if you feel the need to spoil yourself, some peanut butter cookies or pecan pie would work nicely.

Moon In Libra: With so many options, making a decision can prove utterly impossible during the vacillitating Libra Moon. But if it is any help, remember that Libra governs all the sweet foods. So you may choose to indulge at this time with any and all types of cookies, cakes, pies, cobblers, sweet breads, or pastries, though your thighs won't enjoy the extra calories.  And after all that baking, making up your mind which treat to eat first could also prove quite a feat.

Moon In Scorpio: As the Moon moves through Scorpio, it is not at all unusual to feel drawn tothe kitchen today. The intense nature of the Scorpio Moon may cause an obsessive and overwhelming need for a sweet fix.  Try baking up foods with substance and a little bite, such as snappy ginger cookies, savory onion bread, and hearty blackberry pie.

Moon In Sagittarius:  During the Sag Moon, you will feel optimistic and adventurous, and may find yourself exploring new baking horizons. Plenty of fresh ideas will fill your head, and your ordinary recipes will scarcely seem enough.  Look to bake expansive, filling foods, such as macadamia nut cookies or carrot cake, or specialty foods from other countries, such as lebkuchen. But remember: Sag's motto is one is good but ten is better..So be wary of the tendency to overdo it - during Sagittarius it is difficult to say "enough is enough," especially with a delicious fruit pie staring you in the face!

Moon In Capricorn: Hard work and responsibility fuel the Capricorn Moon, so you may feel a little dizzy from your achievements today. In fact, you'll be so efficient you might find yourself planning your baking needs for the next few months.  So while you have the bug to organize, you should take advantage of it to conquer your most difficult baking endeavors. Preparing corn or cheese bread will leave you with a feeling of success. You may even choose to enter your rhubarb pie or orange cranberry muffins in the country fair.

Moon In Aquarius: Don't be shocked if the notion to bake hits you like a bolt from the blue during the Aquarius Moon. This Uranus-ruled sign thrives on doing the most original, unexpected, and unconventional things. So go ahead and experiment with that unusual recipe, and share your efforts with your many friends and neighbors. Remember, the sky is the limit, so tingle your taste buds with some caraway muffins or mulberry pie. Or you can invent your own recipes for pistachio nut or hazel nut cookies.

Moon In Pisces: What a wondrous day to trust your intuition and use your imagination. Ruled by dreamy Neptune, Pisces will help you conjure up new recipes, or will help you go with the flow and surrender to your innermost desires. During a Pisces Moon, you will find yourself baking water-ruled foods such as peach cobbler, apricot coffee cake, or sweet potato pie. So bake on to your hearts content! 

Written many, many moons ago, pun intended and published in the 2000 Llewellyns Moon Sign book. © 2000 Heyde Class

Creating New Moon Intentions

The New Moon is a time of new beginnings and an opportunity to get clear about what intentions you might be for the next month. You can see like a time to place your order with the Universe!

After several decades of writing wishes, I have found that some have manifested rather quickly, while others have taken years with a few not at all and others not at all how I had anticipated!! ( Giving up sugar the first time comes to mind) SO obviously, no guaranteed outcomes of any kind here.

I often view "how to do" as guidelines, instead of rules, so with that in mind, here are some my guidelines on how to write out new moon intentions. AS always do what resonates and aligns with you.

  1. Start be reflecting carefully, over what you might like to achieve or manifest in the next 30 days. This is a step that many might consider glossing over, however, carefully thought through intentions, actually have a much better chance of manifesting into the 3rd dimensional realm, than do those that are hasty thought through. The exception would be an intuitive thought, which usually comes through in a random fashion.

  2. Hand writing our intentions is the ideal. Writing by hand has a very powerful and grounding effect to the intention, as our hands, serve as an extension to our Heart space, which serves as the zero point connection in our bodies. In addition, by also stating them out loud, you get the power of the intention magnified.

  3. Stating clear snd concise intentions is the ideal.

  4. Keep the list to around 8-10 intentions per month. All need to pertain to YOU and what you want to achieve or manifest.

  5. Single and simply stated intentions are the best. Avoid compound intentions, where you are asking for two things in one intention.

  6. The ideal is to write your intentions one the first day of the New Moon, however the next day is fine as well.

  7. Trust your intuition when it comes to writing out the to word it, and what to ask for.

  8. Be aware of what you believe. Beliefs in of themselves can be very limiting. So, if you do not believe you will get your wish, then not as likely to manifest.

I have learned through experience, to be open and embrace what comes. I truly believe that what every does or does not manifest is for our highest and greatest good, whether we like it or not. And you can state that, when you write out your intentions.

Keeping a notebook that has all your monthly intentions is really handy. With a notebook, you can go back and reference what you have previously written and see what may or may not have manifested.

You also might find you want to restate an intention/wish again the following month, especially if it has not yet manifested. So have fun, putting your intentions out to the universe! And as away she mindful of what your requesting from the Universe. Happy manifesting!!

© 2014 Updated 2023 Dr. Heyde Class

Prosperity Affirmations

I first learned about affirmations, when I read Louise Hays book " You Can Heal your Life," which was a totally game changer for me. A few years later, when I was working on my Bachelors in Metaphysical Science, I learned more about positive affirmations and how my thoughts and beliefs were creating my reality. Affirmations became a positive way to help me start shifting my conscious mind into a more receptive and positive mindset.

Affirmations are helpful for refocusing thought patterns and helping us get clear on our desires. Although, it’s important we realize that there are no guaranteed outcomes/results with spoken affirmations. It does helps to say affirmations daily, and have them posted some where that you can see them often such as a bathroom mirror or refrigerator.

Listed below are just a few prosperity affirmations you might try. What works for you is always the ideal.

1. I have unlimited wealth and resources!

2. I am wealthy beyond my wildest imagination and expectations!

3. I am open to all the abundance and prosperity of the universe!

4. I download prosperous and brilliant ideas daily, from my 5th dimensional bank account.

5. There are limitless possibilities available to me to create and manifest what I desire!

6. My supply is unlimited and comes from the Creator/God source that is inside of me!

© 2014 Updated 2023 Dr. Heyde Class

Food for Thought

Life is an experiment, filled with infinite experiences. How we experience our life is a direct reflection of our beliefs. Our experiences may be painful, pleasurable, neutral and or perhaps a combo of many things. However, regardless, it’s how we choose to believe, that influences how we experience, our experiences. It’s up to us to decide how we want to "experience" our life…how we want to show up, how what we want to think, believe and act.

So when life is giving us lemons and we really want lemonade, it’s time for some introspection.

1. What are we believing that is creating this experience and or our current reality? Our beliefs shape the way we experience life. They create a container and provide the boundaries. How and what we experience is filtered through our belief container, which in turn, creates what can be called a reality tunnel. We experience life through this reality tunnel.

For ex. If I believe that the World is beautiful, then everywhere I look, I will see and find beauty. However, if I believe that the World is ugly, then everywhere I look, I will see ugly, unless, I start to shift my thoughts, perceptions and allow myself to break out of that reality tunnel. Moving into neutral observation is usually the easiest way to do that.

2. What thoughts are we choosing? Everything in life is a choice and as an Adult, at no time do we every, NOT have a choice. It just may not appear that way, not be our favorite choice or be the one we want to make. When we say we have “no choice,” that is coming from a place of powerlessness. We always have a choice and it’s in our best interest to be conscious of making that choice, instead of running on autopilot or allowing a wounded aspect of ourselves my the choice for us.

3. Attitude check… Are we going south with the unhappy's or north with the joy, west with the boredoms or east with apathy? Our attitude helps fuel our thoughts, beliefs, desires and passions. We get to choose what direction we want to go, so when we wake up every morning, we can align with joy and happiness!

4. What are we allowing or limiting in our life? For example, if we want a new job, we will have to step out of our comfort zone and take some kind of action to find a new position. However, it may be that we just need a change of attitude, which will most certainly influence how we experience the current job. The choice is ours..take action for a new job or change of attitude?

© 2013 Updated 2023 Dr. Heyde Class/ A Celestial Solution

The Big Astrological News

The big astrological news, besides the Winter Solstice, is Venus in Capricorn went retrograde yesterday, lasting till Jan 31st, 2013. Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus and Libra and could easily win the title of "girly girl" with its loving, romantic, feminine nature. Beauty, art, grace, and elegance are just some of planet Venus's expressions. Of course with Libra as a co-ruler, all of our partnerships come into it play, along with our need to socialize! Our ability to attract what we love and value also moves front and center with this planet!

As Venus drives into it's backward motion for the next 6 weeks or so, it gives us time to reflect, reevaluate and reexamine our love life, partnerships, and our ability to attract what we want and need into our lives. We can spend some time realizing whether our life is really matching our truest desires! With Venus in the sign of Capricorn, we can also reexamine the structures we have created, asking ourselves whether they are serving us. Recognizing and reviewing our ability to be responsible, practical and organized may also come up, along with us choosing to set realistic goals for ourselves.

Retrograde planets bring introspection to the forefront. I choose to look at it like a mini vacation with every conceivable word starting with "RE" coming into my life, such as relaxation, renewal, recovery and retail! :) The downside with retrograde times, can be the possibilities of misunderstandings, especially with Venus.

Now is the time to pull out our patience suits and reestablish our willingness to be clear and direct in all of our communication with others and most especially in all of our partnerships. Everything in life is just an experience and whether its relaxing or reevaluating, its all in perfect and divine order!

© 2013 Heyde Class/ A CelestialSolution