Prosperity Affirmations

I first learned about affirmations, when I read Louise Hays book " You Can Heal your Life," which was a totally game changer for me. A few years later, when I was working on my Bachelors in Metaphysical Science, I learned more about positive affirmations and how my thoughts and beliefs were creating my reality. Affirmations became a positive way to help me start shifting my conscious mind into a more receptive and positive mindset.

Affirmations are helpful for refocusing thought patterns and helping us get clear on our desires. Although, it’s important we realize that there are no guaranteed outcomes/results with spoken affirmations. It does helps to say affirmations daily, and have them posted some where that you can see them often such as a bathroom mirror or refrigerator.

Listed below are just a few prosperity affirmations you might try. What works for you is always the ideal.

1. I have unlimited wealth and resources!

2. I am wealthy beyond my wildest imagination and expectations!

3. I am open to all the abundance and prosperity of the universe!

4. I download prosperous and brilliant ideas daily, from my 5th dimensional bank account.

5. There are limitless possibilities available to me to create and manifest what I desire!

6. My supply is unlimited and comes from the Creator/God source that is inside of me!

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